Legal Notice

You are connected to the website (hereafter referred to as “the Website”) published by The WorkInHealth Foundation, for the information of its users.
Your use of this Website is subject to the general terms and conditions set out below and to all applicable laws and regulations. By accessing and using the Website, you accept the general terms and conditions of use.
Please find below the legal information, the general terms and conditions of use for the Website.


Website operator

The Website  is operated by: the WorkInHealth Foundation, head offices at 187 rue du chevaleret, 75013 PARIS, a Fonds de dotation published under the Journal Officiel n° 2136 dated 16 December 2021.
SIREN number 910 631 126

Contact : Contact_Form.

Website management

Publication manager: Julien Vienne

Hosting and technical resources

The Website is hosted by: OVHcloud, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.

The Website was developed by CG Web Design


This Website is fully protected by intellectual property rights, with respect to both form (choices, plan, page layout, access to data and their organization, etc.) and content (texts, photographs, drawings, slogans, sound or pictures, downloadable documents and, more generally, any works included in the Website). All content featured in the pages of this Website is the exclusive property of the WorkInHealth Foundation or of third parties who have given the WorkInHealth Foundation authorization for use.

You undertake not to use this content or to allow anybody else to use it for illegal purposes. The Website must be considered as an indivisible whole. The information provided is reserved exclusively for personal use.

It is forbidden to reproduce, represent, use or distribute, other than for strictly private or personal use, the content of the Website, in part or in full, on any medium or via any means, or to sell, resell, retransmit or make it available to third parties.

Failure to comply will be considered as a breach of copyright pursuant to articles L. 335-2 and following of France’s intellectual property code. Such a breach is punishable by three years in prison and a fine of €300,000. In consequence, the author of this breach may be held civilly and criminally liable.

Pursuant to article L.713-2 of France’s intellectual property code, it is strictly forbidden to use or reproduce the brands “the WorkInHealth Foundation” and/or their logos, singly or combined, in any way, particularly for advertising purposes, without the prior written agreement of the WorkInHealth Foundation.

Reproduction of the Website and/or the works reproduced therein on paper or a digital medium is authorized provided that it is reserved strictly for personal use and not for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes, in compliance with the provisions of article L122-5 of France’s intellectual property code.

Contact us

To contact us, please complete the CONTACT form


The purpose of the Website is to provide an institutional presentation of the WorkInHealth Foundation activities. Your browsing of this Website is subject to applicable French regulations and to the present general terms and conditions of use. By accessing and browsing this Website, you indicate your full acceptance of the general terms and conditions. As these terms and conditions are updated regularly, we suggest that you consult this page whenever you log on to the Website.

The Website is provided for purposes of information. It is designed for the WorkInHealth Foundation donors and for any other internet users. The information provided by this Website is not contractual.

Owing to the interactive nature of the Website, the activities presented may vary. The WorkInHealth Foundation cannot be held liable in such cases.

The WorkInHealth Foundation and its partners make every effort to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information provided by the Website, and reserves the right to correct content at any time without prior warning. They cannot guarantee that information is complete or that it has not been modified by a third party (intrusion, virus). They accept no direct or indirect liability in the event of any delay, error or omission in the content of the Website, the use that may be made thereof, or the interruption or unavailability of the Website.

In some cases, access to the products presented on the Website may be restricted. In this case, you must make sure that you are authorized to access this Website and/or to take advantage of its products under the terms of the legislation applicable in the country from which you are making the connection.

Using the website

You acknowledge that you have read these general terms and conditions of use and agree to be bound by them. You agree that your use of the information on this Website will be strictly personal and not commercial.

You use this Website at your own risk. Under no circumstances can the WorkInHealth Foundation be held liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss including, but not limited to, material damage, loss of data or programs, financial loss resulting from access, connection or use of this Website or any websites linked to it.

The WorkInHealth Foundation cannot be held liable for events outside its control or for any damage that could be suffered by your technical environment such as, for example, hardware, software, network systems and, more generally, any equipment used to access the Website.

In the event of a dispute between you and your telecommunications operator, or any other operator or intermediary, or in the event of a fault or failure on your computer system or your means of access, or on the internet and your access to this network, whatever the cause or origin, the WorkInHealth Foundation cannot be held liable if, as a result, you experience difficulties in transmitting and routing your requests within a normal time frame.

You acknowledge that you have the necessary skills and means to access and use this Website. You acknowledge that you have checked the computer configuration used to make sure that it contains no viruses and is in perfect running order.

The Website publisher makes every effort to provide you with information and/or tools that are available and verified but cannot be held liable for any errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on the Website.

The information provided by the Website publisher is for informational purposes only and does not replace the need for you to conduct a complementary and personalized analysis.

The Website publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information published on its Website.

As a result, the publisher cannot be held directly or indirectly liable for any delays or omissions concerning the content of this Website.

You acknowledge that you hold sole responsibility for use of the information provided by this Website.

The Website publisher cannot be held liable for your access to other resources present on the internet using the hyperlinks on the Website.

Hypertext links

The establishment of a hypertext link to the Site requires prior written authorization from the WorkInHealth Foundation. If you wish to set up a hypertext link to our Site, you must contact the person in charge of the Site.

The WorkInHealth Foundation can in no way be held responsible for the provision of sites that are the subject of a hypertext link from the site and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, products, services, etc… available on or from these sites.

Applicable law

French law is applicable. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.

Updating of legal notices

the WorkInHealth Foundation reserves the right to modify and update at any time the access to the Site as well as these notices. These modifications and updates are binding on the user who must therefore regularly refer to this section to check the legal notices in force.

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